domingo, 26 de febrero de 2017

VIOLETS HAIR | Recolor + retexture

😊 Quería practicar un poco con retexturas y cuando vi este mesh de Chocolatemuffintop me puse manos a la obra. Me ha gustado mucho el resultado y espero que a vosotros también; además, elegí la preciosa Saccharine palette de Pastry-box, y es imposible que un peinado quede mal con estos colores. ¡Disfrútalo!

😊I wanted to practice a bit with retextures and when I saw this mesh by Chocolatemuffintop I got to work. I really like the result and I hope that you too; In addition, I chose the beautiful Saccharine palette from Pastry-box, and it is impossible for a hairstyle to go wrong with these colors. Enjoy!

  •  Don’t steal my content and claim as your own
  • Don’t include it in mods files
  •  Don’t re-upload it to others websites
  • If you see any problem, please contact me
  • You have any recommendation for me? Ask me !

♥ Mesh by @chocolatemuffintop​; you NEED it ! [xx]
♥ Maxis match ♥ Female ONLY  ♥ BG compatible  ♥ HAT compatible  ♥
♥ 16 swatches from @pastry-box​‘s Saccharine palette 
♥ If you use it, tag me ‘kosineko’ !
♥ Why I use Adfly? ♥


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